[99s-extend] [ANN] erlang.mk build tool

Loïc Hoguin essen at ninenines.eu
Thu Aug 15 16:19:42 CEST 2013

Hello friendly people,

I would like to make an official announcement of erlang.mk now that all 
the features I wanted are in.

erlang.mk is a rebar replacement. It was initially created for allowing 
a faster development process than rebar and for better compatibility 
with Linux build tools. It should work on Linux and OSX with GNU Make 

Projects using erlang.mk are still compatible with rebar. Dependencies 
fetched by rebar are stored in the same deps/ directory, and projects 
using erlang.mk can still be used as rebar dependencies, with or without 
a rebar.config file.

erlang.mk also features a simple package index. Try `make pkg-list` to 
list all packages currently available. All the packages listed are 
compatible with erlang.mk with no tweaking required.

Makefiles written with erlang.mk are *VERY* simple, here are two examples:

  *  https://github.com/extend/farwest/blob/master/Makefile
  *  https://github.com/extend/cowboy/blob/master/Makefile

I wrote about erlang.mk and relx recently on the Nine Nines blog. 
erlang.mk is the perfect companion to relx.

  *  http://ninenines.eu/articles/erlang.mk-and-relx

Here are examples of projects that are using and compatible with erlang.mk:

  *  https://github.com/jlouis/etorrent
  *  https://github.com/extend/cowboy
  *  https://github.com/extend/farwest

You can find erlang.mk at the following URL:

  *  https://github.com/extend/erlang.mk

Contributions to the package index are of course welcome! The only 
requirement is that the package is to be compatible with erlang.mk 
itself. Just send a PR to the erlang.mk project updating the 


Loïc Hoguin
Erlang Cowboy
Nine Nines

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