[99s-extend] [ANN] Cowboy 1.0

Loïc Hoguin essen at ninenines.eu
Tue Aug 5 14:43:47 CEST 2014


Cowboy 1.0 has been released.

Cowboy is a small and fast HTTP server for Erlang with support for 
Webmachine-like REST, Websocket and more.


Cowboy is the work of more than 80 people. I would like to congratulate 
everyone for the great work done so far. Thank you!

Please see the CHANGELOG for details on what's changed.


This release marks the beginning of the 1.0.x branch which will contain 
backward compatible fixes. This branch will be maintained at least until 
Cowboy 2.0 gets released (longer if sponsors request it). It is highly 
recommended that you follow this branch if you were following master 
before, as master will receive backward incompatible changes starting 

Cowboy is now fully documented. It has a user guide, a function 
reference manual, and a wealth of examples. You can also install man 
pages as explained in the README of the project.


Following a discussion on the Erlang mailing lists the Getting Started 
chapter was reworked and greatly simplified, in parts due to the 
improvements made to erlang.mk. Feedback is of course always welcome.


Starting tomorrow the master branch will receive backward incompatible 
changes. Most of the planned changes are detailed in the ROADMAP. You 
are welcome to suggest additional changes.


Cowboy 2.0 is planned to be released at around the same time Erlang/OTP 
18.0 comes out. There are no plans for a Cowboy 1.1 at this time, 
although that may change in the coming months if there is interest in 
new features.

Ranch also got upgraded to 1.0, although there was no changes from the 
previous release.


Thanks to everyone who made this project what it is today!

Loïc Hoguin

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