[99s-extend] usage of make_* command

Anton Koval' psihonavt at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 21:49:33 CET 2014


I have next structure of my project:
├── deps
│   ├── cowboy
│   ├── cowlib
│   ├── erlang_iconv
│   ├── erlydtl
│   ├── mochiweb_xpath
│   └── ranch
├── ebin
│   ├── fetchers.beam
│   ├── parsers.beam
│   └── wasearch_sup.beam
├── erlang.mk
├── Makefile
├── _rel
│   └── ....
├── relx
├── relx.config
├── src
│   ├── fetchers.erl
│   ├── main_handler.erl
│   ├── parsers.erl
│   ├── tests
│   │   ├── parsers_SUITE_data
│   │   ├── parsers_SUITE.erl
│   │   ├── ....
│   ├── wasearch_app.erl
│   ├── wasearch.app.src
│   └── wasearch_sup.erl
└── templates
    └── index.dtl

I would prefer to store tests not in `src` directory but rather in `tests`
Erlang.mk README says: You can run an individual test suite by using the
special test_* targets. For example if you have a common_test suite named
spdy and you want to run only this suite and not the others, you can use
the make test_spdy command.
And of course `make test_parsers`  returns `no rule to make target` error.
Is there a way to run suites from custom directory with
`make_<mod_name_with_suite>` command?
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