[99s-extend] Cowboy + SSL

e at bestmx.net e at bestmx.net
Mon Jan 19 20:32:00 CET 2015


i still have a problem with SSL.
as soon as i change cowboy:start_http call to cowboy:start_https
my release refuses to stop (when requested)
and when i revert to "http" it starts and stops normally.

i am sure it is the only difference: start_http vs. start_https

i am using relx with default settings as it was provided by cowboy
(Erlang R17, System: Debian "testing")

here is my_app.erl:

start(_Type, _Args) ->
   Dispatch =
   cowboy_router:compile([{'_', [{"/start", ws_handler, []}]}]),

   cowboy:start_https( https, 100, [ {port, 8765}
   , {cacertfile, ?Dir ++ "/ssl/cowboy-ca.crt"}
   , {certfile, ?Dir ++ "/ssl/server.crt"}
   , {keyfile, ?Dir ++ "/ssl/server.key"} ]
   , [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}]),


stop(_State) -> ok.

once i call:
release/bin/my_release stop

the erlang.log repeats hundreds of:

=ERROR REPORT==== 19-Jan-2015::20:06:02 ===
Error in process <0.234.0> on node 'online37 at' with exit value: 

what could it be?
any misconfiguration of my system (regarding ssl support)?
what exactly does ranch expect from me?

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