[99s-extend] cowboy websocket example runtime error

Samir Sow samset at wanadoo.fr
Thu Mar 19 18:08:54 CET 2015

Hi there,

I would appreciate your help to understand the following error when running the websocket example.

Context is :

ERL 17
Cowboy 2.0.0-pre (master)
no source modification

=ERROR REPORT==== 19-Mar-2015::18:04:36 ===
Error in process <0.160.0> with exit value: {[{reason,{badarg,"Can't resolve the priv_dir of application websocket"}},{mfa,{cowboy_static,init,2}},{stacktrace,[{cowboy_static,priv_path,2,[{file,"src/cowboy_static.erl"},{line,66}]},{cowboy_static,init_opts,2,[{file…

Thank you.


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