The changelog for Ranch releases before 1.6 can be found in this section.
Add transport functions getopts/2, getstat/1 and getstat/2
Fix ranch:info/0 and ranch:procs/2 in embedded mode
Prevent ranch_conns_sup from stopping on unexpected messages
Add new transport option num_acceptor
Deprecate ranch:start_listener/6 in favor of start_listener/5
Deprecate ranch:child_spec/6 in favor of child_spec/5
The version numbers 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 were later made to fix small mistakes made during the 1.3.0 release process. They do not include code changes.
Tested with OTP R16B+ on Linux, FreeBSD, OSX and Windows
Add ssl to the list of dependencies
Add ranch:info/0 and ranch:procs/2 to retrieve Ranch state information
Allow configuring a listener with only SNI, without a default certificate
Blacklist transport options instead of whitelist
Unknown options are now allowed, but will result in a Dialyzer warning
Add many transport options typespecs and documentation
Don't silently drop the accept rate when running out of fds
Prevent a race condition when stopping listeners
Improve reporting for common errors, for example eaddrinuse
Fix double removal of connections bug
The number of active connections should now be exact
Fix stuck acceptor bug when controlling_socket returned errors
Numerous documentation and examples improvements
Fix bug preventing node shutdown when SSL is used with OTP 17.1+
Tune restart intensity in all supervisors
Allow the supervised process and the process owning the socket to be different
Add many transport options (please refer to the documentation)
Add function ranch:get_addr/1 to retrieve both IP and port of listener
Don't pass Ranch-specific options down to transports
Should make Dialyzer happy in user projects
New types ranch:opt(), ranch_tcp:opt(), ranch_ssl:ssl_opt() and ranch_ssl:opt()
Fix crash when filtering unknown options out
Print a warning for each option filtered out
Handle Transport:controlling_socket/2 errors and close the socket
Handle Protocol:start_link/4 crashes to avoid killing all active connections
Use Asciidoc for documentation
Test Ranch across 14 Erlang versions on CircleCI
Improve and document test suites with recent ct_helper improvements
Fix a number of intermittent test issues
Add Transport:secure/0
Add SSL partial_chain option
Stop reporting errors on {error, closed} in accept_ack
Migrating from Ranch 1.5 to 1.6
User Guide
Version select
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