proxy_info() = #{ %% Mandatory part. version := 1 | 2, command := local | proxy, transport_family => undefined | ipv4 | ipv6 | unix, transport_protocol => undefined | stream | dgram, %% Addresses. src_address => inet:ip_address() | binary(), src_port => inet:port_number(), dest_address => inet:ip_address() | binary(), dest_port => inet:port_number(), %% Extra TLV-encoded data. alpn => binary(), %% US-ASCII. authority => binary(), %% UTF-8. unique_id => binary(), %% Opaque byte sequence of up to 128 bytes. netns => binary(), %% US-ASCII. ssl => #{ client := [ssl | cert_conn | cert_sess], verified := boolean(), version => binary(), %% US-ASCII. cipher => binary(), %% US-ASCII. sig_alg => binary(), %% US-ASCII. key_alg => binary(), %% US-ASCII. cn => binary() %% UTF-8. }, %% Unknown TLVs can't be parsed so the raw data is given. raw_tlvs => [{0..255, binary()}] }.