Xerl: two modules
2013 03 Feb
Everything is an expression.
This sentence carries profound meaning. We will invoke it many times over the course of these articles.
If everything is an expression, then the language shouldn't have any problem with me defining two modules in the same source file.
mod first_module begin end mod second_module begin end
Likewise, it shouldn't have any problem with me defining a module inside another module.
mod out_module begin mod in_module begin end end
Of course, in the context of the Erlang VM, these two snippets are equivalent; there is nothing preventing you from calling the in_module
module from any other module. The mod
instruction means a module should be created in the Erlang VM, with no concept of scope attached.
Still we need to handle both. To do this we will add a step between the parser and the code generator that will walk over the abstract syntax tree, from here onward shortened as AST, and transform the AST by executing it where applicable.
What happens when you execute a mod
instruction? A module is created. Since we are compiling, that simply means the compiler will branch out and create a module.
If everything is an expression, does that mean this will allow me to create modules at runtime using the same syntax? Yes, but let's not get ahead of ourselves yet.
For now we will just iterate over the AST, and will compile a module for each mod
found. Modules cannot contain expressions yet, so there's no need to recurse over it at this point. This should solve the compilation of our first snippet.
The compile/1
function becomes:
compile(Filename) -> io:format("Compiling ~s...~n", [Filename]), {ok, Src} = file:read_file(Filename), {ok, Tokens, _} = xerl_lexer:string(binary_to_list(Src)), {ok, Exprs} = xerl_parser:parse(Tokens), execute(Filename, Exprs, []). execute(_, [], Modules) -> io:format("Done...~n"), {ok, lists:reverse(Modules)}; execute(Filename, [Expr = {mod, _, {atom, _, Name}, []}|Tail], Modules) -> {ok, [Core]} = xerl_codegen:exprs([Expr]), {ok, [{Name, []}]} = core_lint:module(Core), io:format("~s~n", [core_pp:format(Core)]), {ok, _, Beam} = compile:forms(Core, [binary, from_core, return_errors, {source, Filename}]), {module, Name} = code:load_binary(Name, Filename, Beam), execute(Filename, Tail, [Name|Modules]).
Running this compiler over the first snippet yields the following result:
Compiling test/mod_SUITE_data/two_modules.xerl... module 'first_module' ['module_info'/0, 'module_info'/1] attributes [] 'module_info'/0 = fun () -> call 'erlang':'get_module_info' ('first_module') 'module_info'/1 = fun (Key) -> call 'erlang':'get_module_info' ('first_module', Key) end module 'second_module' ['module_info'/0, 'module_info'/1] attributes [] 'module_info'/0 = fun () -> call 'erlang':'get_module_info' ('second_module') 'module_info'/1 = fun (Key) -> call 'erlang':'get_module_info' ('second_module', Key) end Done... {ok,[first_module,second_module]}
Everything looks fine. And we can check that the two modules have been loaded into the VM:
9> m(first_module). Module first_module compiled: Date: February 2 2013, Time: 14.56 Compiler options: [from_core] Object file: test/mod_SUITE_data/two_modules.xerl Exports: module_info/0 module_info/1 ok 10> m(second_module). Module second_module compiled: Date: February 2 2013, Time: 14.56 Compiler options: [from_core] Object file: test/mod_SUITE_data/two_modules.xerl Exports: module_info/0 module_info/1 ok
So far so good!
What about the second snippet? It brings up many questions. What happens once a mod
expression has been executed at compile time? If it's an expression then it has to have a result, right? Right. We are still a bit lacking with expressions for now, though, so let's get back to it after we add more.